
Mobile Device Management: Are Your Devices Secure or Just a Liability?

August 26, 2024

Read time: 6 min

Protect your business from mobile threats with InterDev's comprehensive MDM solutions, ensuring data security, compliance, and efficient mobile device management.

The Mobile Revolution: Is Your Business Ready?

Imagine a scenario where sensitive company data is leaked because mobile devices are not properly managed. In today’s mobile-centric world, where 97% of organizations use mobile devices for business, ensuring these devices are secure is no longer optional—it’s essential. With 61% of data breaches linked to mobile devices, the risks are real, and the stakes are high.

The Rising Tide of Mobile Device Usage

Mobile devices have become integral to business operations, with 81% of employees using their smartphones and tablets for work purposes. This widespread adoption of mobile technology brings unparalleled flexibility and productivity. However, it also introduces significant security challenges. For instance, 64% of IT professionals report that managing mobile security is more challenging than managing traditional IT environments.

The High Cost of Mobile Security Breaches

Consider this: the average cost of a mobile data breach is $3.23 million. Moreover, 60% of organizations experience data breaches due to unmanaged mobile devices. The financial impact is substantial, but the damage to your reputation and the potential legal ramifications can be even more severe. Without effective Mobile Device Management (MDM), businesses are vulnerable to unauthorized access, data loss, and compliance issues.

What Makes Mobile Device Management Essential?

So, what should a robust Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution include? Effective MDM encompasses comprehensive policies and tools for managing and securing mobile devices. This includes:

  • User Authentication: To verify the identity of device users and prevent unauthorized access
  • Remote Wipe and Lock: To protect data if a device is lost or stolen.
  • Encryption: To safeguard data stored on mobile devices.
  • Application Management: To control and secure the apps installed on devices.
  • Compliance Monitoring: To ensure devices meet regulatory requirements.

InterDev’s MDM Solutions: Securing Your Mobile Frontier

At InterDev, we recognize the critical importance of managing mobile devices securely. Our MDM solutions provide a comprehensive approach to protecting your mobile assets. From enforcing security policies and providing real-time monitoring to ensuring compliance and supporting remote management, our solutions are designed to keep your mobile environment safe and efficient.

 Are Your Mobile Devices a Strength or a Weakness?

So, how well are you managing your mobile devices? Are they a valuable asset or a potential security threat? In a landscape where mobile device usage continues to soar, having a solid MDM strategy is crucial for safeguarding your business.

Secure your mobile devices with InterDev’s expert MDM solutions and transform your mobile environment into a competitive advantage. Don’t wait for a breach to make you reconsider—contact us today to ensure your mobile devices are managed effectively and securely.