Code of conduct

Interdev Technology is committed to maintaining the highest standards of transparency, ethical conduct, honesty, and integrity in all transactions with stakeholders, including partners, government agencies, and within the company. This document outlines the essential requirements that all employees are expected to comply with at all times in all dealings within and outside the organization.

The Code of Conduct is binding for all employees (referred to as "You") in dealings both inside and outside the organization. All employees are also expected to adhere to the vendor code of conduct for the brands they represent.

Workplace conduct

Safe and Healthy Work Environment
Interdev Technology is dedicated to providing a safe working environment for every employee and maintains a zero-tolerance approach towards any form of workplace violence. All employees are expected to treat their colleagues with dignity, professionalism, and respect. Employees must follow all prescribed safety guidelines and promptly report any unsafe conditions or accidents. Acts or threats of violence towards any person or company property must be reported immediately to the Human Resources/Administration department.

Tobacco, Alcohol & Drug-Free Workplace
Interdev Technology adheres to a Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug-Free Workplace policy to promote the health, safety, and well-being of our employees. Employees are expected to abide by this policy at all times in the workplace. Smoking is permitted only in designated outdoor areas as specified by the company or building management. The consumption, carrying, or distribution of drugs, alcohol, or any intoxicating substance during working hours or on company premises is strictly prohibited. Employees visiting or working at client locations must adhere to the client’s policies on these matters. Any violation will result in strict disciplinary action, including termination of employment.

Dress Code
Employees are expected to wear formal attire while attending the office or any meetings where they represent the company. Smart casuals are permitted only on the last day of the week, e.g., Thursday, where the weekend is Friday and Saturday.

Fair Employment Practices and Sexual Harassment
Interdev Technology practices equal opportunity and a zero-tolerance approach to any form of discrimination. Discrimination based on qualifications, experience, nationality, etc., is not tolerated. Business decisions are made based on merit without regard to race, religion, nationality, gender, etc. Employees must adhere to the company's policies on recruitment, employment, promotion, transfer, pay and benefits, training, lay-off, and termination.

No Harassment (Verbal/Physical)/Misbehavior/Discrimination
Sexual harassment, defined as unwelcome sexual advances or conduct that makes a person feel offended, humiliated, or intimidated, is prohibited. Employees must not engage in any form of harassment, including verbal (epithets, derogatory statements, slurs), physical (hitting, pushing), visual (posters, cartoons, drawings, pornographic material), and any sexual harassment. Violations must be reported to the Human Resources department, and offenders will face disciplinary action, including termination.


Confidential information includes data related to vendors, customers, markets, business strategies, financials, policies, procedures, and other sensitive information. Employees must protect confidential information by not transferring, publishing, using, or disclosing it except as required in the ordinary course of business. Such information must be stored securely and shared only with authorized personnel. Employees must not disclose confidential information after leaving the company for three years. Violations will result in disciplinary action.

Use of information technology and social media

Employees must use the company's information technology systems appropriately and within the law. Posts on social media must not be illegal, abusive, defamatory, or contrary to the law. Employees must not give the impression that personal opinions are those of the company. Personal social media posts must not create risks for the company. Violations will result in disciplinary action.

Conflict of interest

A conflict of interest occurs when personal, financial, or family interests interfere with an employee's ability to act objectively in the company's best interest. Employees must avoid such conflicts and inform the company if they arise. The company may require a declaration from employees to ensure there are no conflicts of interest.

Accurate financial records and bookkeeping

Interdev Technology maintains accurate financial records that reflect the company's current state of affairs and comply with applicable laws and document retention policies. Employees must not make false, misleading, incomplete, inaccurate, or artificial entries in the company's books or records. Unauthorized activities or deviations from accounting policies are prohibited.

Protection of company assets

Employees must ensure the protection of the company's assets and use them only for business purposes. Employees are responsible for the care and proper use of company assets and must not engage in any activities that waste or abuse them. Upon termination of employment, all company assets must be returned to the designated authority. Unauthorized copying, transmission, or removal of company data is prohibited.

Data privacy

Employees must protect any data collected about individuals, including customers and end users, and must comply with applicable data protection and privacy regulations in the UAE. Disclosure of such data without consent is prohibited.

Intellectual property rights

Interdev Technology respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects the same in return. Employees must protect the company's intellectual property and maintain the confidentiality of trade secrets and proprietary information. Unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted materials is prohibited.

Insider trading

Employees in possession of material, non-public information ("insider information") must not trade in the company's securities or those of any other company to which the information pertains. Such information must not be used for personal advantage or shared with others. Employees must familiarize themselves with relevant laws and seek legal advice if necessary.

Antitrust & competition laws

Interdev Technology is committed to conducting business fairly, transparently, and ethically. Employees must not engage in illegal or anti-competitive practices, including price-fixing, boycotts, or rigging. Business must be conducted without providing false or misleading information about products.

Export control laws

Interdev Technology complies with all applicable trade restrictions and export control laws, including those of the USA and other governments. Employees must ensure that products and technologies are not used for prohibited purposes, such as nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons, and must comply with restrictions on transactions with sanctioned parties.

Bribery & corruption

Interdev Technology maintains a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and complies with all relevant laws, including the UAE Federal Law No. 3/1987 (as amended), the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and the UK Bribery Act 2010. Employees must act professionally, fairly, and with integrity in all business dealings.

Gift & hospitality

Employees must adhere to the gift policy and not accept gifts or hospitality that could cause embarrassment if disclosed publicly. Acceptable gifts must not exceed USD 30, must comply with local laws, and must not be intended to influence business decisions. Cash or cash equivalents are prohibited. Gifts must be given openly and in the company's name, not the employee's.

Customer relations and satisfaction

Interdev Technology is committed to delivering high-quality products and services. Employees must ensure that all customer interactions are professional and aimed at achieving the highest level of customer satisfaction. Employees should actively listen to customer feedback, address concerns promptly, and strive to exceed customer expectations. Maintaining positive and transparent communication with customers is crucial.

Vendor relations

Employees must maintain professional and ethical relationships with all vendors and suppliers. It is important to ensure that all dealings are transparent, fair, and in compliance with the company's policies and relevant laws. Employees should avoid any conflicts of interest and report any potential issues to the management.

System integration and project management

As a system integrator, Interdev Technology is responsible for the seamless integration of various technology components. Employees must ensure that all integration projects are managed efficiently, meeting all client specifications and deadlines. Proper project management practices, including planning, execution, monitoring, and closing, must be followed. All project-related documentation should be maintained accurately and securely.

Reporting of violations

Employees must report any conduct they believe in good faith to be a violation of this Code of Conduct. Interdev Technology has an open-door policy for such reports, which will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Reports can be made to the Legal Counsel or via the whistleblower hotline managed by Safe call, an independent reporting service available 24/7.